How to Install Facebook Lead Enrichment Chrome Extension ?

1. Download the latest (v1.2.2) extension packaged (It's free). After installation, you can upgrade to a Pro account directly in the software if you want.

DOWNLOAD (v1.2.2)

2. After downloading extension packaged as a zip file, unzip the files into their own folder.
We use v1.2.0 to explain the installation process step by step.
unzip Facebook Lead Enrichment chrome extension
3. In Chrome, navigate to chrome://extensions

install Facebook Lead Enrichment step 1

4. Enable the Developer mode, and click the Load unpacked, then select the fb-lead-enrich-1.2.0 folder.

Facebook Lead Enrichment chrome extension load unpacked

5. Done!

Facebook Lead Enrichment chrome extension install done

6. The extension is installed and you are ready to go. You can now manage the extension as you would any other, and its icon will appear in the Chrome address bar (if it has one) to the right of the address bar, pin it.

Facebook Lead Enrichment chrome extension install pin

We will always keep updating our products. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. [email protected]